
Church Where You Are - A Year Of Increase

Church Where You Are - A Year Of Increase This is an opportunity to have church wherever and with whomever you find yourself with during the holidays.

Check out "A Year Of Increase" by Pastor Brandon Dirmann

Group Questions:
1- Do you believe that God has the ability to make 2020 a "Year of Increase" for you? Why or why not? What areas of your life are you believing for God to "increase"?
2-The Bible tells us to put God first. What does this practically look like in your life? What are some practical ways that you can in 2020 put God first? What areas of your life would change by putting God first and how would they change?
3-The Bible says that we are able to receive the free gift of righteousness Jesus has provided. How does receiving this gift of righteousness open the door to seeing God's increase in your life? How different would your life be if you focused on what Jesus has done instead of what you have or haven't done?


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