
Legendary - Equestrian Space - Industrial Sector 2

Legendary - Equestrian Space - Industrial Sector 2 Channel link -

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Download link: Available at new years eve with the rest of them.

5 am and i got to work in 4 hours thank god it is part time only.

Exam is done and sent in, now there is only one part left thankfully and i will see how things went, but in either case to celebrate i made something yet again interesting, no indian vocals this time, and yes i will also make an none vocal of plains of solitude, although it fits in the song i really understand that it is not everyone's cup of tea so the vocals will be replaced and there will be a nice ambient alternation for the vocals.

What is this? what composition is this?

I combined industrial sounds from that genre with atmosphere and ambient and this is what one gets, not how i expected it to turn out but it is interesting i got to say that much from the initial start point.

Music once you touch and listen just comes alive sometimes. How ever i decided to make the full power come on early and stick to it longer with a middle pause and then we go full power again, worth to see how you guys feel about this.

Background Story

Industrial Sector 2 at it's time was a prosperous factory with many sectors covering at the very least half the planet. Just as Sector 1 this one has the old technology that are vital, how old it may be that it still houses equipment no longer available and technology that can not be replicated.

This issued a problem that if Industrial Sector 2 fell so would many other vital equipment that would not be delivered to it's other sectors that exist. Hence progress would be delayed, to ensure that sector 2 did not fall when it was at it's prime it was instead converted to being a centre for repairs, this allowed itself to always be ready to patch things up, no matter how damaged any equipment got, to this day there has been nothing to date that has come back as a bad repair complaint, the sector houses a full body work force during day and night, it is constantly at the works operating, the workforce of ponies are mostly unicorns and earth ponies as both sides are needed for heavy labour and delicate touches of repairs.

The importance and value of this sector has been outfitted with the latest guardian-bots and if a new better version came out designed to be more efficient and more reliable it was sent first and foremost to this sector to serve as guards to never return or to be moved elsewhere, if ever they got damaged, the finest repairs were always available to keep them going.

Private companies have more than often gone for personal repairs for their spaceships as a third of the sector can house space ships which has been outfitted with the harbours needed to house, repair, outfit, restock, and analyse to make sure nothing has gone untouched or passed anyones' eyes.

The service is of course illegal without proper certifications and documents in order to protect the sector from all foreign danger without proper authorisation, unless you knew someone who was high up on the chain of command at that sector to let you slip in of course, that was an entirely different story all together, if caught in the action of violating the standards, death would follow soon, hence the expenses to get the finest repairs in the equestrian space did not come cheap in money or risk for life.


Comments are always appreciated!

I hope you enjoyed this as i enjoyed making this!

Until next time.


*Content in the video does not belong to me. They belong to their respective owners.*


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