
Diver is Shocked When Whale Won't Let her Pass

Diver is Shocked When Whale Won't Let her Pass Nan is a 63-year-old marine biologist. She dedicated her life to studying and rescuing them. She lived in Maine and traveled the world for 28-years trying to document them and fight for their rights and their protection. She wasn't afraid to swim with the whales. She actually enjoyed it. She had a lot of experience swimming with whales, but nothing could prepare her for what happened during this swim. One humpback whale managed to shatter her perceptions of the species.

Nan was living in the South Pacific in the Cook Islands. He lived on the biggest island of Rarotonga. Part of her life's work was advocacy for the creatures. She managed to turn the Cook Islands territory waters into a whale sanctuary. The area was 772,200 square miles. She also founded the Center for Cetacean Research and Conservation on Rarotonga in 2001. Thanks to Nan, whales for over 200 nautical miles would be safe. She never expected one whale to catch her so off guard.

Nan was in the water swimming with the whales one September day. While she was swimming, a male humpback whale. This mammal could grow to be 40-tons and could grow to be 60-feet long. The whale got close to her which she was fine with. This was normal for her. Soon, the whale began behaving strangely. It began behaving in a way that she had never seen whales behave.

Nan was swimming, and the giant beast began to nudge her with his closed mouth. This went on for 10 minutes. Nan didn't know what to do when the whale tucked her underneath its pectoral fin. During these 10 minutes, the whale was trying to maneuver Nan out of the water. She was frightened by what the whale was doing. She had no idea why it was doing this. She thought that maybe she had made the whale angry by being in the water. She never knew whales to be territorial, but she thought that maybe there was a first for everything.

Nan says that she was preparing to lose her life. She says that she thought that the whale would hit her and break her bones. At the time of the strange incident, Nan was making a nature film. She had a camera as did her fellow divers. Her point-of-view footage showed her how persistently the whale was nudging her. In her video, you can see a second whale approaching. Nan knew that she had to get out of the water if she was going to avoid being hurt or killed by a creature that she spent her whole life trying to protect. This whale won't let diver go until she sees why.

Nan managed to get back on her boat. She was bruised and scratched from the barnacles on the whale. When she got onto the boat, she wanted to see what the two whales would do now that she was safe and out of the water. It was then that she noticed the third fin. This fin wasn't moving the way a whale's fin moves. It was moving from side to side. She knew right away that it was a tiger shark.

Nan really had something to fear with a tiger shark in the water with her. The tiger shark is second when it comes to fatal attacks on humans. It runs a close second to the great white shark. This shark is considered one of the most dangerous sharks in the waters. They are often found in shallow reefs, harbor, and canals creating potential encounters with humans. When Nan saw that there was a tiger shark in the water, she didn't know if it would attack her, but she knew that there was a good chance that it would.

When Nan saw the tiger shark in the water, she realized why the whale was behaving the way he was. He also saw the whale, and he was trying to hide her from it. This is why he was trying to tuck her underneath his fin and why he was trying to get her out of the water.

When Nan saw the whole picture, she was able to put everything together. The second whale wasn't coming to harm her; it was coming to help her. Humpback whales often band together. They do this so that they can effectively protect their calves. There has been evidence of humpback whales trying to protect other species of whales, sea lions, and seals. Nan realized that the two whales were coming to keep her safe from the tiger shark. She realized that the whales that she was in fear of for those 10 minutes were actually protecting her the way that they do their young. This incident was further proof to Nan that she dedicated her life to an amazing creature. She had dedicated her life to protecting humpback whales around the Cook Islands, and these two whales returned the favor by saving her. Best
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