
RBMK-1000 MWe Simulator Startup Tutorial [No Voiceover]

RBMK-1000 MWe Simulator Startup Tutorial [No Voiceover] Links at the bottom!

Well, here is how I startup the RBMK-1000 simulator by Simgenics. Most is from the handbook, with a few things I do differently for stability and safety. Voiceover in english and german at some point soon, maybe, video should be enough to get you running at 500MWe and go up to ~1GWe, just watch out that neutron power stays below 100%.

I used CheatEngine to lock Xe-135 conecentration at 0, because even at 90% neutron power the Xe-135 concentration somehow increases, meaning you will have to pull more and more rods, it doesn't get destroyed by excessive neutrons.
The adress is chrnob_32.dll+23210, apply it as 4bit in CE, lock it and change it to 0.

Simulator: (Bottom of page, information needed for download, I can send you a direct link, if you absolutely need it).

YOU NEED THIS IC STATE (fixed IC state):
Search the folder containing the simulator for chernobyl04, replace all with the one inside the .zip.

Handbook scan (Standard Start-up at 81+):


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