
WordWorld - One Hat Fits All|Get Your Coat

WordWorld - One Hat Fits All|Get Your Coat Subscribe to watch a different episode each week! In One Hat Fits All, Sheep loses her magician's top hat while practicing her magic act. The hat gets blown all around WordWorld, visiting Pig, Bear and Duck, breaking into its letters each time it crashes to a halt. Whenever our heroes put it back together, the hat takes on a fresh, new form. For Pig it becomes a chef's hat, for Bear an artists beret, and for Duck a propeller beanie! Clearly, this hat is special! Could it even be magical? In Get Your Coat, Duck thinks Frog doesn't want to play in the rain because Duck accidentally broke Frog's boat. The real reason is that Frog doesn't like the rain, but is ashamed to tell Duck. Duck learns all about words that end with oat and finds a word that will allow Frog to play outside in the rain, a coat.


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