
WHY I still play Fallout 76 even though im annoyed by Bethesdas actions

WHY I still play Fallout 76 even though im annoyed by Bethesdas actions Fallout 76 has had its ups, and its downs in the past year. Recently multiple viewers, and friends have been bugging me asking me how I have any fun playing Fallout 76. I decided today to respond to that in a nuetral zone. This is my unbiased opinion on the game the GOOD, and the BAD for the past year. Today I will share a lot of reasons why the game can be exciting, and a lot of reasons why it also can really suck!!!! I feel its important as Fallout fans in the community to stand up to a greedy corporate Bethesda who has lost sight of whats truely important. Even though I disagree with Bethesda's recent decisions i still love Fallout, It was really a big part of my childhood. Fallout 3 was actually the first Xbox game I ever purchased when I got into 360 around the age of 13. I try to have hope we can wake Bethesda up but, im starting to wonder is it a bit too late to undo the damages they have caused??? I hope Wastelanders is a as amazing as they are hyping it up to be or I might be done playing. thank you all for listening to me today hope I could answer your questions!!!!

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