George Orwell's classic dystopian fiction about a totalitarian government known as Ingsoc, governing Oceania, with the patriarch Big Brother at the head of the party shows a nightmarish landscape for poor Winston Smith and Julia! WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH The party platform so thoroughly infused with doublethink you might consider thoughtcrime! Newspeak has a funny way of hurting your brain. The appendix to this book gives me a spot of hope for as bleak as this novel is. What do you think?
1984 George Orwell,Orwellian,1984 appendix,Nineteen Eighty-Four,Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell,WAR IS PEACE,FREEDOM IS SLAVERY,IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH,booktube review,1984 review,newspeak,doublethink,crimethink,thought police,thought crime,thoughtcrime,dystopia,dystopian fiction,