
My Grandma Got Crazy. No One Believed Me Until She Disappeared

My Grandma Got Crazy. No One Believed Me Until She Disappeared Hi! My name is April. I’m 13 now and this past year was the worst one I could ever imagine. My beloved granny died, but before that, she scared me to death and managed to ruin my parent’s marriage.
Unfortunately, it just so happened that on the day I was born, my grandfather – my dad’s dad – passed away. My parents immediately took my granny to live with us, and in fact, it was she who brought me up while my mom and dad were busy at work. I loved my granny; she’s always been very calm and kind and we did so much stuff together, like, baking things, or making crafts for school, and so on. And she never ever yelled at me, even when I was misbehaving. From time to time I saw that she was sad because she was missing my grandpa, and we could just sit for hours looking through their old photos and she’d tell me lots of funny stories about him.

Strange things began happening with granny when I was 12. I came back from school having gotten a low grade for my math test. I was very upset and I knew that even if granny didn’t get mad about it, she’d force me to study extra math that day (and I really hated numbers). I found her in the living room dusting the furniture, and as soon as she heard my bad news, she just grabbed the nearest vase to her and threw it at me.

Thank God she missed and hit the wall, and the vase shattered. I didn’t even immediately realize what had happened. Then suddenly my granny began yelling at me, that I was to be blamed for everything and that I should immediately get out and go to my room and stay there, and not even show my face downstairs. At that, her eyes sparkled with anger and her hands clenched into fists. I grabbed my backpack and rushed upstairs, sobbing on the way. Never before had I encountered aggression at home, and even more, I never ever saw my sweet granny this furious. It was terribly insulting and scary.
I sobbed in my room for about half an hour, and then I realized that I was hungry. Very carefully, I decided to go downstairs to make myself a sandwich, and I was so worried that granny was still in that terrible mood down there. This time she was in the kitchen cooking something for dinner, as if nothing had happened earlier. As soon as she saw me, she was genuinely surprised, because, as she said, she didn’t notice that I had even gotten home from school. It was so shocking. I just stood there in complete bewilderment while my granny, in her most ordinary friendly manner, was fussing with silverware and setting the table to feed me dinner.

Very carefully I sat down at the table, peering into my granny’s face, trying to understand if she was joking about not having noticed me or not. This time she really seemed like a different person, I mean, she didn’t resemble that furious old lady who threw a vase at me half an hour ago. I told granny about my bad grade for that test and she, just as I thought from the very beginning, said that we’d study a bit of math after dinner. And then she just, as a matter of fact, began telling me how earlier that day while she was cleaning the house, she accidentally broke a vase and she even joked that my mom was going to kill her for that.

Everything seemed really strange. For some reason I didn’t tell granny about what was going on, but I had heard about different mental diseases that elderly people often develop, so later that day, after my mom had already gotten home, I tried to talk to her about it, but she didn’t believe me. She said that there was no chance that granny would throw something at me on purpose and I probably just overreacted or imagined something that wasn’t there.

There is one thing about me you probably should know; I have a very vivid imagination, and when I was little, my parents even took me to a special doctor. They were afraid because I was talking about things that never existed, or, in other words, I was lying a lot. Like, I had an imaginary friend and forced my family to talk to him and act as if he really existed. I dunno, for me it was just a game, but they thought that I was a bit nutty I guess. After a couple of sessions with that doctor, I kinda stopped playing my games that way, but nobody ever forgot how inventive I could be.

Anyway, time passed and no more stuff like that happened to my granny during the next couple of months. As for me, I couldn’t stop thinking over that day and tried to read different stuff about dementia and other mental disorders on the internet...

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