
Marriage Proposal Reaction | Why do Women Get Emotional When Proposed To? | Discovery Plus

Marriage Proposal Reaction | Why do Women Get Emotional When Proposed To? | Discovery Plus जानिए आसपास के लोगों का reaction जब कोई लड़का किसी लड़की को शादी के लिए propose करता है | साथ ही साथ आप यह भी देखेंगे कि ऐसे समय में लड़कियाँ अक्सर भावुक क्यों हो जाती हैं |

Every person is emotional here, whether more or less. Why do Women Get Emotional When Proposed To? Here is the suspense now, which has been scientifically described in this video of Discover Plus. You will see the reaction of girl after a proposal to this girl made by a boy. Scientists say that men are not emotionally attached behind proposing a girl for marriage in public but girls are. Whereas, girls are obsessed with the concept of marriage, marriage rituals, and dress and marriage proposal is a big deal for them. Moreover, the Oxytocin level in girls is comparatively high from men that make them more lovable and caring. Girls have a unique preference over romance and proposal in public makes it more happening, and they get emotional. People around the girl at the time of the proposal react positively and greets the moment. Moreover, this effort turned negative and marriage proposal fail has been caught.

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Marriage Proposal Reaction,Why do Women Get Emotional When Proposed To?,discovery plus hindi channel,people reaction on propose a gril in public,

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