
Is Salt Bad for Kidney Disease Patients? | Avoid High Sodium Food Diet in Hindi

Is Salt Bad for Kidney Disease Patients? | Avoid High Sodium Food Diet in Hindi In general, a person consumes a large amount of salt on daily basis. One gets salt from foods, fast foods, nankeens and biscuits.

If you have kidney disease, then many toxins start accumulating in the body because your kidneys are not capable of filtering them out from your body. One of such kind of wastes is Sodium in general it is called #Salt. Salt fulfills sodium need of the body and unnecessary salt is excreted by the kidneys but in case of kidney diseases, they become incapable of filtering out waste amount of sodium which accumulates in the body. This accumulating #sodium in the body can cause many severe problems. Due to increased sodium will not only boost your kidney disease but also put negative impact on the health of the other organs.

Due to excess consumption of salt, a kidney patient can experience headache. Though, headache is a common health condition that may occur due to daily life stress and problems that are hard to handle. In #kidney_disease, one may experience headache due to excess consumption of salt. Headache in kidney disease can be unbearable. When salt level in the blood increases than normal level, the condition is called hypernatremia.

Increased sodium in the blood can be responsible for increasing blood pressure that is also called hypertension.

Excess sodium in the blood can cause swelling in the body that is called fluid retention or edema. In this condition, swelling in hands, feet, face or eyes can be seen. If you want to get more information about how excess sodium can affect your #kidneys then watch video till the end.

If you are a kidney patient and want to know more about us, you can visit our official website:

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