
Why to Conserve Water ?

Why to Conserve Water ? On our planet, we are having less than 1% of water which is available for human activities. Out of this 1% available water, agriculture is using 70%, industries consume 22% and 8% is only for drinking purposes. Due to industrialization and other anthropogenic activities, natural water is contaminated with various pollutants. In India, there are no strict rules for implementation of water policy for managing the water resources so water demand is very high as compared to the water supply which enhances the water stress. One of the government statements, 21cities of India will not be having groundwater in next 2-3 years. Overall more than 54% of India will be moving towards dryness as the population is rapidly increasing. On the other hand, wastes from industrial and agricultural discharge, worsen the situation.

Consequently, water-related diseases are enhancing especially in children. Water treatment becomes a necessity nowadays so there is a booming industry of water filtration units. But some of these units using three times more water for treatment. Publically, less than 5% population doing testing for their drinking water and choosing their filtration unit only on the basis of the marketing/advertising of the product. Most of the people in urban plain areas prefer the RO filtration unit without thinking about the future of their next generation with very fewer water resources. NITI Ayog already reported that by 2030, 40% Indian population will be underwater scarcity and 6% GDP of India would be decreased due to the water crisis.
Are some of the cities of India are moving towards Day Zero when the taps run dry?

Do we justice with our coming generation? Is it not possible to provide a better environment to the future generation?...............conscious awakening call for all of us!


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