
EP 27 - GAUTIER PELLEGRIN || Photography, Choices and Teenage Angst

EP 27 - GAUTIER PELLEGRIN || Photography, Choices and Teenage Angst EPISODIO 27 - Gautier Pellegrin is a photographer based in Milan. His career choices have carried seen him scale the heights of the corporate music world and dredge the depths of the restaurant business. Now he's somewhere in the middle.

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00:10 - How the surname should be pronounced
00:47 - The real start
01:54 - Family expectations
02:39 - Gautier's past in the music industry
04:44 - From the ashes we will rise
06:51 - If you from africa why you white?
08:08 - The cliche of photography
09:09 - Nature or Cement and Milanese architecture
10:30 - Pet peeve number 2 : italian summer
11:54 - South africans love for Deep House and Kwaito
13:50 - Gautier goes to the Kruger Park
15:10 - Rene gets a little racist, or not, let us know ;)
16:16 - Is it still ok to listen ro Micheal Jackson
17:45 - Are groupies just all getting raped because of the power dynamic?
19:06 - Brooklyn 99
21:00 - Making friends in and influencing people around the world
23:13 - If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail
23:20 - Choosing who you work with
24:28 - How much attention should photographers be paying to the look of the model
25:50 - Mistakes when you starting out
28:10 - Matteo Montanari does not do mascara
29:50 - The importance of style
30:10 - Andy tries to kill everybody
31:20 - 360 porn
32:18 - Drinking rules
34:20 - Andy tells war stories
35:23 - Poor choices at varsity
36:01 - Gautier goes to IED
39:00 - Rene's university
39:39 - Interviewing Kate Moss
40:10 - Masterclass
42:30 - Becoming interested
43:31 - Gautier's method
45:20 - Traveling as a photographer
48:00 - Talking in loud bars
48:49 - The music got me into the drugs
50:00 - Impostors syndrome
52:11 - The story of a dropped story
55:27 - Fashion and politics don't mix
57:07 - How do you educate yourself for photography
58:20 - Susan Sontag
59:09 - Camille Paglia
1:00:03 - Reading
1:01:18 - Lack of teenage angst
1:02:10 - Bunch of cry babies
1:05:10 - Becoming part of your sitcom family
1:06:16 - Peering behind the curtain of "artistic suffering"
1:08:01 - Can art change the world?
1:08:37 - Fake moon landing conspiracy silliness
1:14:20 - Idiocracy and Truman Syndrome
1:16:00 - Global warming
1:19:22 - Mont Blanc is french
1:19:50 - Eddie Izzard and the use of flags
1:23:07 - French is not a funny language
1:23:20 - Total Combat Wrestling
1:26:34 - Santeria
1:27:12 - The colour of language
1:32:03 - Italian in hollywood movies
1:35:25 - Sam Harris
1:39:47 - Runners high
1:40:20 - "I don't get endorphins, I get Flow" Rino
1:46:13 - Video editing
1:52:20 - People management

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Arcade Studio

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