
The Economics of Donald Trump

The Economics of Donald Trump Donald J Trump, the current sitting president of the United States and the assumed republican candidate for president in 2020. Donald trump is of course an extremely divisive political figure that has had a lot of criticism laid against him but as always we are ignoring that for the sake of this video. Today we are going to look exclusively at President trumps economic policies, go over their quirks and features and then give them a Doug score. If his policies make sense they will get the economics explained tick of approval regardless of his other policies, beliefs or ongoing scandals which is the same type of treatment afforded to Andrew Yang when we were reviewing his policies and is the same kind of accommodation that will be given to all other candidates I intend to explore before the 2020 election.

Trump is one of the few candidates we can actually talk about so early in the election cycle because of course he is the incumbent president so we don’t have to speculate about his promised economic policies we can actually look directly at policy that he has already enacted. Trump’s policies are quiet notable in two distinct fields where he has taken relatively assertive action, foreign and domestic economics.

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References -

Rodrik, D., 2018. Populism and the Economics of Globalization. Journal of International Business Policy

Auerback, M., 2017. Explaining the rise of Donald Trump. Real-world Economics Review

Lordkipanidze, R., 2019. Experiment Findings: How Reasonably Caring State Economic Policy Affects on Markets (Examples of Donald Trump and George W. Bush). Tbilisi, Charity Partnership for Free Epochal Reserchgate

Boak, Josh (August 6, 2018). "Jobs boom favors Democratic counties, not Trump strongholds". Associated Press. Retrieved August 7, 2018

Horsley, Scott (May 22, 2019). "Many Are Replacing Disability Checks With Paychecks

Tax Cuts Still Don't Seem to Be Helping Workers" – via

China blasts Trump's new trade tariffs". CNNMoney. January 23, 2018.

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