
“SEE” (Open the Path to Your Third Eye)

“SEE” (Open the Path to Your Third Eye) If you have fear about “opening your Third Eye,” then go no farther, this video is NOT for you. Otherwise, if you continue, you will start to see the world around you in ways you have never seen it before. Everything becomes clearer, it all starts to make more sense. This is an intense Third Eye stimulation and also the clearing of the path through your subconscious to allow you access to YOUR Third Eye.

That’s really what it’s all about, clearing the way. The “Third Eye” is there already, it is open, the problem is accessing it.

Here’s the answer to the question; “How do I know if my Third Eye is opening?” In these visuals, depending on what you see, you will know when it is opening, and the depth of your connection with it. But first, you must journey through, then beyond, your subconscious mind. The first things you will experience in these visuals is a glimpse into your subconscious mind, and what dwells there. As you travel through it, you can begin to understand what drives you, what creates your perception of the world around you, and your perception of your own self. Continue doing this, on a daily basis, and each day you will come to terms with, “shed light on” more and more of the things that are blocking your clarity, your psychic power, your instincts, your understanding, your wisdom, your access to your “Third Eye.”

It is quite an amazing journey through there. The visuals share many secrets to you, and they evolve as you evolve, every changing, never the same. I have said this many times with many of my videos, there is nothing there, only the reflections of you own mind.

I would like to throw this in; I hear this on a rare occasion, “it takes a lifetime to open your Third Eye,” or “It takes training from professionals to open your Third Eye.” NONE of that is true at all my friends, the Third Eye was open when we got here to this planet, and life and enculturation slowly, over time “closed” it. It is not actually closed, it is buried under the rubble of life, behind the data accumulation of the subconscious mind. Then, some of us, seek to get back to that state of understanding, of enlightenment. It is ours, it is free, we do not need a higher power or anything like that to reclaim what is innately ours to begin with. There are many things that can open it; trauma, certain drugs, etc.. But with many things, it does not stay opened, it “closes” right back up. But it’s not closing, it is just getting buried again because the things in the way have not been dealt with. We must see those things, deal with them, destroy their power over us. The subconscious mind is a tool, and a very wonderful tool in the natural world. But, when it gets filled with these massive amounts of data from this chaotic time we live in, the path to the Third Eye, to our deeper understanding, closes back up again, and it is very hard to access “the Third Eye.”

This is all about clearing the path, reconnecting with the portal to all things, understanding the world, understanding ourselves, and allowing us to find our Zen again, find our groove again, and calmly float through the otherwise chaotic waters of life.

Relax, let your body heal...

Find your Zen again…

Peace to you all my friends! ☥☬☮☯☸


Taos Winds – TIP JAR (leave a tip if you enjoy my music)

Taos Winds - Music Downloads:

This music is “Fresh from the Spirit” and “In Tune with Nature!” (432 Hz)

Use headphones/earbuds to take advantage of the binaural effect. Or stereo speakers to feel the affect throughout.

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