
Concerning Spiritual Gifts | Followers of Christ Ministry

Concerning Spiritual Gifts | Followers of Christ Ministry GOD The Father would not have us ignorant concerning Spiritual Gifts. Yet there are many operating in the “House of GOD” in ignorance, and also because will not take the time to rightly divide the “Word of GOD.” The first requirement for Spiritual Gifts is “You must be Born Again.” You can’t operate in the Spirit of GOD, if the Spirit of GOD is not in you. GOD gives his spirit to those that obey him (Acts 5:32). Spiritual Gifts did not just begin in the New Testament but we see them operating in the Prophets of old in the Old Testament. We also see them operating in Kings in the Old Testament. There are nine (9) Spiritual Gifts.

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Followers of Christ Ministry was founded based upon the "Word of GOD," the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Scriptures as given to GOD's Holy Apostles. We are living in the "Last Days," and must truly be about our "Father's Business." GOD is calling out those that are his. Man must truly choose who they are going to serve and in whom will they put their trust. There are a lot of people in love with the idea of being a Christian, however many do not want to live the life. Our focus is on teaching how to live as a Child of the "Most High GOD." To as many as believed on his name to them gave he "Power" to become the "Sons of GOD." You must know who your Father is and also who you are in order to truly serve GOD. We are training the Servants to have a relationship with GOD, Our Father.

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