
The Benefit of Taking Shamanic Journeys w|Dr. Dave Murphy | TOT Revolution

The Benefit of Taking Shamanic Journeys w|Dr. Dave Murphy | TOT Revolution Shamanism is a practice that has been in existence for over 40,000 years. It has a massive global pull and influence. Why is it so powerful and necessary in our world today? What is the difference between shamanism and religion? How can shamanism benefit people? On this episode, I’m joined by professor and shaman, Dr. Dave Murphy, who shares his journey with shamanism, and why it’s such a powerful practice.

Takeaways + Tactics

- We’re not physical beings and the things around us aren’t physical. We are vibrating energy fields.

- Everything in this world is a vibrating energy field with different frequencies. This means we’re all connected.

- Shamanism is experiential, while religion is more about being told what to do.

- When someone has a traumatic experience, a piece of their soul will break off and it can be found in the lower world and restored through shamanism.

What we call matter is actually condensed vibrational energy that everything on this planet shares and is connected through. Shamanism allows us to tap into that vibrational level, and it has the ability to change our lives and the lives of other people. It allows us to change our perception of reality, and start to see the world as it really is, not the way we’ve been brainwashed to see it.

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