Owners Dump ‘Too Mean’ Dog At The Shelter Before Workers Quickly See Through Their Lies
There are a number of reasons why pet owners might surrender their dog to an animal shelter. While many people cite issues that aren’t so easily solved, like an unforeseen financial strain, others give problems that can be fixed if given the chance.
For example, experts say that three percent of people surrendering their dogs to shelters claim biting as the chief reason. In truth, aggressiveness is a trait that is taught, not one an animal is born with, which means many of these biting incidents could likely be avoided if the proper training had been used. Regardless, people who want to get rid of their animal will find a way to do it, whether their reasons are legitimate or not…
Quarter, a five-year-old chihuahua mix, had a reputation with his owner for being a “mean” dog when he was surrendered to an animal shelter in Los Angeles. When caretakers began to look after him, however, they were utterly shocked at his behavior…
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