
Reduce Motor RPM with DIY Hypocycloidal Gear!

Reduce Motor RPM with DIY Hypocycloidal Gear! Hypocycloidal drives offer incredible gear reduction and increased torque for motors! Let's make a DIY version for a super slow machine designed to chop a toothpick in half in 50 years?? YEAH, that sounds good! The obsession with getting more torque and lower speed from motors began in the StrikeMark days (talk about a throwback) but the project itself was inspired by Arthur Ganson's Machine with Concrete!

Some might think it's a waste of time BUT it's about the lessons and takeaways! We'll cover the modified design, a double-sided custom workholding fixture, and tips and tricks in Fusion 360--including how to reduce annoying linking/z-retract moves, AND a new feature that allows us to see ONLY the cutting toolpath.

Links for this video

Hypocycloidal Drive F3D File Download & Code

Workhold Round Parts on Mill |

Machine with Concrete - Arthur Ganson

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I discovered machining as an adult and am grateful to have found something I love and can share with others. We hope NYC CNC not only makes you a better machinist but helps you understand and learn more about how to succeed as a manufacturing entrepreneur!

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