
Panel Discussion Tip #213 with Warren Evans: The Ideal Number of Panelists

Panel Discussion Tip #213 with Warren Evans: The Ideal Number of Panelists Professional Panel Moderator Kristin Arnold asks Warren Evans, professional speaker, futurist and member of the Canadian Speaker Hall of Fame to share his perspective on the ideal number of panelists for a panel discussion at meetings, conferences and conventions.

Kristin Arnold, professional panel moderator, and high stakes meeting facilitator is on a crusade to make all panel discussions informative, interactive, and interesting - and to help YOU become a better panel moderator.

Why? Because 95% of annual meetings have panel discussions – and it’s a fifty-fifty proposition they are any good at all! Expectations decrease dramatically when your attendees walk in and see the traditional draped head-table with microphones on short stands. There are sooooo many other ways to have a stimulating conversation! So let's increase the probability of success for your next panel discussion with these resources:

This video playlist will give you tips to succeed in moderating any kind of panel discussion at meetings, conferences, and conventions.

For more Powerful Panel Discussion Tips and ideas about how to make your panel discussions the talk of the meeting, SUBSCRIBE to this YouTube channel playlist.

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To learn more steps to successfully moderate a panel discussion like a pro, buy this user-friendly guide at

For even more resources on how to make panels better, check out Kristin's knowledge vault which is chock-full of customizable checklists, worksheets, templates, agendas, sample emails, video interviews and webinars with industry icons and professional moderators - all in one place!

Or, contact Kristin to coach you through the process of how to moderate your next panel discussion.

Connect with Kristin:

panel discussion,panel program,panel presentation,panel moderator,

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