
Hong Kong: 'We shall never surrender' - protest leader after arrests

Hong Kong: 'We shall never surrender' - protest leader after arrests Subscribe to our channel!

Activists Joshua Wong and Agnes Chow Ting were released on bail after being arrested for illegally organising a demonstration in Hong Kong on Friday. Footage shows them leaving the court building.

"Joshua and I were arrested at our home this morning for participating and him organizing an unauthorised assembly on the 21st of June this year. We can see very clearly that the regime and the Hong Kong government are trying to create a 'white terror' to try to scare Hong Kong people to not to participate in the social and democratic movement in the future," said Agnes Chow Ting outside the court.

"High-degree autonomy is strongly being eroded under the chilling effects of troops moving to the border and about the emergency ordinance. Which means that Beijing just continually manipulates on Hong Kong people's freedom and we shall never surrender," added Joshua Wong.

Hong Kong has seen a wave of massive protests since the end of March against a proposed law amendment which could allow Hong Kong residents to be sent to mainland China for trials. The demonstrations then grew into a wider movement calling for reforms and an investigation into police actions.

Video ID: 20190830-025

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