
Economic Update: Capitalism in Denial

Economic Update: Capitalism in Denial [S9 E35] Capitalism in Denial

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The first half of this week’s episode of Economic Update features a discussion by Professor Wolff on the parallels of declining capitalism in the UK and the U.S. and how the denials of the systemic problems inherent with capitalism are making the economic situations in both countries profoundly worse.

In the second half of this week’s show, Professor Wolff presents two longer segments on (1) the political economy of immigration, and (2) why the basic problem of Central and South America is 2-3 centuries of capitalism producing and reproducing extreme inequality, staggering poverty, and corrupt government elites. That is the crucial context for the Cuban and Venezuelan efforts, however imperfect and against U.S. opposition, to break out of capitalism.

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Richard Wolff,democracy,work,labor,economy,economics,inequality,justice,capitalism,socialism,wealth,power,profits,government,elites,corruption,poverty,UK,United Kingdom,South America,Central America,yt:cc=on,

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