
'Coral World' CZM Permit application meeting (sound enhanced)

'Coral World' CZM Permit application meeting (sound enhanced) St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands; Wed. Sep. 11, 2019:
Local Dolfinarium 'Coral World''s application to the CZM* to increase the number of allowable dolphins... there are four dolphins in the outdoor pens, since Feb. 22, 2019
The dolphins appear here mainly for breeding purposes, but this under the guise of "educating the public about dolphins"..., by giving dolphin show$, including $wimming with dolphin$ for the paying gue$t$.
Explanation of whos in the video...
The CZM committee sits on the podium, the chairman is the gentleman with the black hat on behind the table, the bald headed man in the pink shirt, with his back to the camera all the time, is CW's representative / lawyer.
The blond haired lady on the left has something to do with the water testing, and (unrelated) also something with dredging a part of the harbour in another part of the island for the largest cruise ships in the world to be able to come in.
She also seems to know a bit about how the dolphins were located and how they behaved where they came from, and also when they arrived here in Feb. 2019.
* = Coastal Zone Management

@ 20m35s: Question from the chairman:
"...(W)hat happens when they start to breed?..."

St. Thomas,US Virgin Islands,Coral World,Dolfinarium,captive dolphins,permit application,greed,torture,The Cove,Sea Shepherd,Greenpeace,breeding,sell pups,exploitation,

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