
Why Is My Ex So Mean? The Harsh Truth About Your Cruel Ex

Why Is My Ex So Mean?  The Harsh Truth About Your Cruel Ex -- Why Is My Ex So Mean? The Harsh Truth About Your Cruel Ex

Hey guys, Breakup Brad here. In this video, I’m going to answer a very common question I receive from my clients and subscribers on a daily basis…. And that question is, “Brad, why is my ex being so rude and mean to me?”

If your ex has changed from a kind, caring, and considerate person into someone far more rude, cold, and distant since breaking up… keep watching, because in this video I’m going to explain why your ex is acting this way and what you can do about it.

Reason #1: They Still Have Feelings For You

This may sound bizarre, but often when your ex is acting like an asshole to you or being cold and distant, it means they still care about you or have feelings for you. Their cruelty or confrontational behaviour is their way of dealing with these emotions, and typically it’s actually a subconscious thing rather than an intentional strategy.

If you want to learn whether your ex does indeed still have feelings for you, take my free quiz tool at… it takes less than 5 minutes and will evaluate where you stand with your ex right now, and what your chances are of getting them back. Again, you can take the quiz at

Reason #2: They Feel You’re Just Not Getting The Message

The second reason your ex could be acting mean, rude, or confrontational is, unfortunately, because they feel this type of behaviour is necessary in order for you to leave them alone and accept the breakup. By treating you poorly or being a downright asshole towards you, they may be hoping you’ll give them the space they’re looking for and stop trying to win them back.

Reason #3: They Hate The Idea of Hurting You

Lastly, it’s also possible your ex is being rude or trying to pick fights with you because they subconsciously feel like this could give them a “reason” to hurt you by breaking up. This might sound totally bizarre, but it’s actually relatively common.

Now, the question that remains is how do you react or handle this type of behaviour from your ex? What should you do to ensure they stop being so mean, cold, or angry towards you… and go back to being the kind, considerate, and loving partner you remember from the time you were together?

Well, there’s 3 things that are almost always guaranteed to help in this type of situation:

First, you need to avoid ‘taking the bait’ and being drawn into any kind of conflict or arguments with your ex. If they’re being mean or rude, react in a way they won’t expect, by not falling into their trap and being kind, polite, and defusing any potential confrontation. Now, it’s important not to be too nice to your ex, but you also need to take the moral high road and not let yourself be dragged into arguments or lash back out at your ex in response to their rudeness or cruelty.

Second, in many cases, you may need to re-engage in another period of No Contact if your ex is exhibiting these types of behaviours after breaking up. Typically, nothing you can say or do is going to help change the way your ex is acting, and therefore ignoring them completely and giving them time and space is the best strategy to change their behaviour and their opinion about the idea of ever getting back together. I always advocate shutting down the lines of communication with your ex if you’re in doubt about what to do, because this is almost never going to hurt your chances of getting them back in the long run… but it will ensure you don’t fall into their traps or accidentally make matters worse by doing or saying the wrong thing.

And thirdly, if you’re struggling to understand your ex’s words or actions -- or if you just don’t know how to handle a particular situation with your ex in order to win them back -- please consider signing up for my 1-on-1 personal coaching service. It’s way more affordable than you might think, and you’ll be able to work with me on an ongoing basis and get my help winning back your ex for good. To see my current availability and sign up today, just visit

And finally, beautiful people of YouTube, please please please subscribe to my channel here on YouTube to show your support if you find my videos helpful… I really appreciate it.

Thanks for watching, good luck out there, and I’ll see you in the next video!

*** More from Brad Browning:
The Ex Factor Guide:
Mend the Marriage:
Brad Browning:

brad browning,get your ex back,breakup advice,ex boyfriend,ex girlfriend,breakup brad,love advice,getting back together,

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