My plans for you have not faded, nor changed. While you may not fully understand the limits of your humanity or circumstances, I always have. Though many of you desire to circumvent the process in order to be free of these constraints, as though they are some kind of unwelcomed hindrance, allow me to reassure you, they are no hindrance for what I will do through you and with you. As days continue to pass many of your ideas are dying, and many of your plans are taking on new shapes, colors, and directions. This is all part of my plan, all part of my process, all part of the groundwork that has already been laid. (2)
Even though you find yourself caught in days where you do not hear my voice, nor feel my presence, do not allow yourself to be discouraged. Remember my words, plans, and promises, for this is all part of the process and always has been. While the reality you are experiencing is very different than the reality you presumed, do not allow yourself to feel lost, as if you have somehow lost your way, or fallen from the path. (3)
Understand these days and experiences are all part of the process. These kinds of days and experiences are unique to no one, but are common to all. Everyone must go, and come through them, at some point, so enjoy where you are. Make peace with where you are, for you are blessed despite your limits, despite the delays, and despite the unpleasant feelings you will certainly experience. (4)
(1) James 1:2-4, 1 Peter 4:12, Luke 1:37
(2) Psalms 121:4, Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28, Proverbs 16:3
(3) Isaiah 41:10, James 5:13, Joshua 1:9
(4) 1 Corinthians 10:13, James 1:12-16, Psalm 103:14-16
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