Okay he had to sit for a minute... but he’s up writing on the board. We’re at Joshua 7:10-26. This Joshua talking to “My son” Achan. This Joshua... the sameness to Yashua... both mean Salvation, so Joshua is a type of Christ here. Achan hid the Garment, the same exact Garment (we believe) as was given to Adam, or at least a very strong type of what that garment represents. Why is it so valuable? Why is it so powerful? Here’s the important question: Why does Christ beg the dying to be saved? Yes... this is a type of Christ asking this question. Now, some will read this passage and take the EMG view! That’s Evil Murdering God, or some would add the word Angry, EAMG.
Achan took the extended hand of Christ in front of the nation. Consider the testimony here. Our pastor connects this with Samuel and Saul in 1 Samuel 28:15-25. I’ll let this pastor fill you in from here, because either he is brilliant... or delirious. Either way it just might prove entertaining. We’re in 2 Samuel 12 now. The Child who is born... shall surely die. David and Saul have some similarities here. Maybe we should look at these. And why not throw in Nadab and Abihu. Oh yes. This pastor will take us even further, and now it’s time for you to listen.
Pastor is doing good. I think it’s all of you praying during the service. Keep praying. We selfish people (that’s okay BTW) want him around a while longer. The world needs this great teacher.
Notice: This is a very in-depth and fascinating study of Joel and Revelation by our pastor, Stephen A. Chronister, and you’re watching Lecture Number 72 in this series. Current and past audio lectures can be found at www.cliffside.org and at www.sermonaudio.com/cliffside. Podcasts are at www.cliffside.podbean.com and iTunes.
Joshua 7:10-26
1 Samuel 28:15-25
2 Samuel 12