thanks in large part to TRUMP'S TERRIBLE TRADE TARIFFS ,
and there is now a very sharp fall in economic activity in the US and globally ,
with US exports plummeting and commodities prices plunging practically guaranteeing a major period of recessionary ,if not depressionary , activity ahead.
The gun has been fired. World central banks are in a race to the bottom.
The Congress long ago authorized $5 Trillion in QE capacity for the Fed. The Fed spent $3.5 Trillion of that in the last crisis so they have $1.5 Trillion to spend in the next crisis ,before the Congress will have to vote for more QE capacity for the Fed.
stock market crash 2019
When the Fed printed that $3.5 Trillion last time around, my guess is that it didn't ruin the dollar because that volume of liquidity was already priced into the dollar at the time that the Congress authorized the $5 Trillion in potential QE , long before the Fed actually used it.
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