welcome on board of my YouTube channel PilotPatrick. In this video I will explain you how to declare taxes. You will be able to get your money back from the tax office.
Every citizens, who declares his taxes in Germany, gets an average of 974€ back from the tax office. A lot of money, which you can invest in a nice journey. The taxfix app is an easy, affordable and quick way to do your tax declaration. Another great benefit is that you can do it from everywhere around the world and it takes only around 20 minutes. Don't waste your money and do your tax declaration yearly!
What about you! Be honest! Have you done your tax declaration yet?
Download now the taxfix app:
Use the promo code: "PATRICK@TAXFIX" to safe 25%! (Valid in July 2019)
Up to a tax refund of 50€ the service of taxfix is completely free of charge. Otherwise, you only pay 34,99€! (-25% with the promo code in July)
!!! DUE DATE for the tax declaration of 2018 in Germany is the 31st of July 2019!!!
Please don't forget to like this video and subscribe to my channel.
Safe travels and happy landings
Your PilotPatrick
Follow me on my social media
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Produced by:
Edited by:
Matthias Dangl
LiQWYD- Flow
About ME:
Hello Aviator!
I am Patrick from Germany and I am a captain. After flying a Business Jet, I am now type rated on the A300. Since September 2016 I have been blogging about my pilot life and my healthy lifestyle. Besides many travel tips you will find posts about aviation and my travels around the world.
Safe travels and happy landings!
Your PilotPatrick
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