
🍃ExJW_Cory- Why 🚫JW Organization🚫 should be banned👍( Russia Ban)

🍃ExJW_Cory- Why 🚫JW Organization🚫 should be banned👍( Russia Ban) The Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses should in fact be banned and viewed as an extremist group. Why? Any whose an ex JW or former witness know the evil that runs this cult is pretty scary. The Governing Body rules the entire worldwide work thus are viewed as their " Jehovah God." These men push false manmade doctrines that aren't allowed to be questioned by members. If y dare speak against them...they shun you and steal all your loved ones in an instance . This lead to many suicides, depression disorder, morbid fear of dying at Armageddon, etc. They covered up child sex abuse and defended the accused ..while attacking those who left that weren't protected by the cult. They defended rapist and allowed women to suffer even shunning them for speaking out since it reflect bad on the Organization. They make dishonest riches in stocks and had dealings with the United Nations yet defamed them as a beast of Satan. They were founded by a freemason Charles Taze Russell. And they control the mind of all their members meaning whatever they tell them to do...they do without question. That's dangerous power and very extreme . Avoid this brainwashing indoctrinating cult. They offer you false promises for your soul.

#EX_JW #JehovahWitness,

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