
EU backroom: EU leaders CLASH over top jobs, take a look inside room where phone signal is JAMMED

EU backroom: EU leaders CLASH over top jobs, take a look inside room where phone signal is JAMMED Since the European elections in late May, the EU member states and the European Parliament are struggling to fill the top office in the Commission and other top jobs.

Tonight they are trying once again...

After an afternoon filled with bilateral meetings, the meeting now has finally started, three hours after it was orginally scheduled.

A backroom stitch-up to appoint Dutch socialist Frans Timmermans as European Commission president was dealt a blow with leaders from Central Europe revolting against the plot. Leaders from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic have expressed concerns with the candidate, who emerged out of talks at the G20 summit in Japan. The so-called Visegrad Four group will attempt to ensure momentum for Mr Timmermans is killed off quickly as EU28 leaders meet in Brussels this evening. According to EU sources, the Dutch socialist politician, who currently serves as Jean-Claude Juncker’s deputy, is emerging as a frontrunner to replace his boss at the end of October.

The phone signal in the room where leaders are meeting will once again be jammed, preventing the heads of government from communicating — and leaking — information during the talks, a senior diplomat confirmed.

Here’s the menu the EU28 leaders will enjoy while discussing the bloc’s top jobs.

Starter: Creamy pea soup and pan-fried langoustine
Main course: Fillets of sole and mashed potatoes with chives
Dessert: Dark chocolate with poached meringue and ice cream



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