그래서 오늘은 초호화 호텔, 스파, 놀이공원까지 상상할 수 있는 건 다 있는 인천 파라다이스시티에서 하루를 보내봅니다!
이번 영상을 스폰서해주시고 촬영에 협조해주신 파라다이스시티 관계자분들께 감사드립니다!
Soon we’ll be taking the twins to a Korean Army Base, to give them a genuine experience of training with the Korean Commandos… but before we do we wanted to treat them, and show them a bit of luxury before the hardship!
So today we head to PARADISE CITY in Incheon: Luxury Hotel, Spa, Amusement Park and basically anything you can imagine!
Big thanks to PARADISE CITY for inviting us over and making this video possible - and for sponsoring this episode.
Huge thanks to everyone involved in the creation of this video:
Written and Directed by Josh and Ollie
Producer/Editor: Grace Park
Producer/Editor/Translator: Hyemin Lim
Editor: Sejun Lee
Translator: Hannah Kang