
You are Not Your Diagnosis - The First Step to Overcoming Pain -MoveU

You are Not Your Diagnosis - The First Step to Overcoming Pain -MoveU Start Fixin Yo’ Self -

#MoveU #FixYoShit #ComeBackStronger

A diagnosis is really just a description. It’s not an outcome. It’s not a destination. It’s not your future. A diagnosis is not forever, and a diagnosis can change depending on the medical professional you visit. Sometimes it’s nothing more than a guess, an opinion, or a temporary obstacle. ⁣

Shots, pills, procedures, and surgeries should be reserved for times when more conservative methods fail. They should not be the first-line treatment. There is no quick fix. Those things come with risks and the results are often short-term. A shot or a pill only works until it wears off. Surgeries can lead to more surgery and procedures.⁣

The WAY you respond to your diagnosis matters. You can let it limit you, drag you down, and define you, or you can use it as motivation and fuel. You can Shatter Your Diagnosis with MoveU! ⁣

Our online program is a map. A toolbox. A guide. It’s a community, support, and power. MoveU is active in over 80 countries around the world. Join thousands of others who have shattered their diagnosis!⁣

Written by Katie Goss @MoveUKatie⁣

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chronic pain,Diagnosis,Recovery,Rehab,MoveU,Fitness,⁣Shatter Your Diagnosis,CBT,Mindfulness,Injury,Prehab,Physical Therapy,Pain,Chronic Diagnosis,Root Cause,

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