
President Trump Air Force One Arrival London Stansted Airport UK State Visit POTUS VC25

President Trump Air Force One Arrival London Stansted Airport UK State Visit POTUS VC25 On 3 June 2019 US President Donald Trump arrived at London Stansted Airport aboard Air Force One, for a 3 day UK State visit.
London Stansted has played host to the Boeing VC-25A a number of times, indeed this is the second such visit by Mr Trump, following his previous working visit in July 2018. The presidential arrival was aboard Boeing VC-25A 02-29000 and was preceeded by a Boeing C32A 09-0015 with two VH3D Sea King's and 3 C47 Chinooks arriving earlier in the morning.

The President arrived at Stansted whilst all other aircraft traffic ceased, he disembarked Air Force One and boarded a seaking, earning it the title "Marine One"; the helicopters then all flew to London in formation with the callsign "Nighthawk 3 formation".

Trump is meeting with The Queen and out-going Prime Minister Theresa May as well as taking part in commemorations for the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings. As with his previous visit, this visit has attracted a lot of criticism, as a result of his politics and policies. Demonstrations and protests have been arranged to accompany this state visit.

As I noted on my previous video of July 2018, as incredibly important as the politics and policies are concerned, this video is about capturing the rare and interesting spectacle of the arrival of the president entourage, not the political event or the personalities involved.

The video captures the arrival of the helicopter formation, the C32A (B757) and Air Force One VC25 (747) and the departure of the Seakings sadly there were no Boeing MV22 Osprey's this time but eurocopters of the UK Police again add to the array of aircraft.

As always, I hope you enjoy watching this spectacle. London Stansted Airport has played host to a number of visits by Air Force One.

This video features
09-0015 Boeing C32
02-9000 Boeing VC25A Air Force One
159350 VH3 Sea King US Marines
159356 VH3 Sea King US Marines
15-08467 Boeing C47 Chinook US Army
16-08199 Boeing C47 Chinook US Army
16-08198 Boeing C47 Chinook US Army

aeroplane,Aviation,AvGeek,Flying,planes,airplanes,takeoff,landing,planespotting,bananamanuk,Airport,Runway,Landing,Trump Stansted,Air Force One,POTUS,FLOTUS,air force one stansted airport,Trump London,Donald Trump UK,Donald J Trump,real donald trump,US Marines,US Army,us air force,boeing vc-25,TBP,@realdonaldtrump,President Trump London,Queen,State,Visit,#AirForceOne,#TrumpUKVisit,donald trump,marine one,air force 1,Air Foce One London,fake news,Trump UK,

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