Attention that the design, printing departments or others such as students, lecturers frequently find high quality images/photos for work purposes. However, the price is often quite high when purchasing directly from the image websites, not to mention about the difficulties from international payment. Therefore, im offers “buying images on your behalf” service from Shutterstock and other suppliers (Iistockphoto, Depositphotos, Dreamstime, 123RF, Fotolia) at a much cheaper price than buying directly. Details are as follows:
Little quantity: For those who need to buy a small quantity, the price will be 1$ / image (JPEG / Vector). You can select photos of any category on the suppliers’ website. The minimal number of images is at 3 to make the purchase.
Package purchase: If you need to buy a large quantity, im recommends you to buy in package for a better price.
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➤ Note:
The minimum number of images is at 3 to make the purchase.
➤ How does it work?
1. Your choose Stock Vector/Image ID or just a link to desired picture.
2. Choose format if you want JPEG, if Vector, then write "Vector"
3. Pay on Fiverr.
4. I'll send you a images on Fiverr.
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