
A Versatile MR Safe Robotic Platform for Image Guided Endovascular Interventions

A Versatile MR Safe Robotic Platform for Image Guided Endovascular Interventions Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death worldwide. Endovascular interventions are considered as Gold standard in disease treatment. Remotely operated robotic devices are employed for minimally invasive approaches. The main advantages are: shorter recovery times, improvement of clinical skills (precision, stability), and facilitation of the procedure. However, benefits are compensated by absence of haptic feedback and high doses of radiation to the patient. This contribution describes a novel robotic master-slave concept that targets to join haptic feedback on the master, an intuitive user interface, and the capability of safe deployment to all clinically relevant imaging modalities within a familiar clinical workflow. Hence, the slave device can manipulate conventional instrumentation under fluoroscopic or MRI guidance. A phantom cannulation study evaluated the performance, reliability, and the procedural protocol. Secondly, a complementary study assessed and validated MR compatibility. Results strongly motivate the applicability and prospective clinical translation.

Hamlyn Centre For Robotic Surgery - Imperial College London

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Acknowledgement: Jiwoo Choi

MRI,Medical Robotics,Imperial College London,Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery,Endovascular Interventions,Catheters,Guidewires,

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