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What's up!
It's ya proverbial boy Jeff and RSD Ev bringing you a Body Language video fresh off the press!
What you will see in this video are the 21 refined tips to have the best body language which will have you always perceived as attractive.
How you communicate your status in an environment goes far beyond the words you say... Rather, the weight of the impression you make is found in HOW you say things, and how you posture yourself aligned to your message.
Wrap your head around this: Your physiology will follow your emotions.
I've been studying Body Language, according to the Alexander Technique, for almost 2 years...
There are a variety of exercises, down to the most subtle motions, which will amplify how you posture yourself and project your energy into ANY environment.
Not only will seeing these tips increase your attractiveness in dating, but this will empower you with an influential presence at work and even in mundane day-to-day activities.
This is a head-to-toe breakdown that is going to RE-VAMP your interactions and overall life, and you can begin implementing these today.
If you liked this video... You're in luck.
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Thanks for watching!
Talk soon,
~ Jeff
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I have worked as an Executive Coach with Real Social Dynamics since 2003, running programs practically every weekend for the last 16 years in over 100 cities across North America, Australia, Africa and Europe. I’m extremely passionate about getting my students ACTUAL RESULTS and am continually improving my program to achieve this end.
In 2007, I released a critically acclaimed DVD program called "The Jeffy Show."
Simon & Schuster published my memoir "Get Laid or Die Trying" on March 29th, 2011.
In 2016 I released my magnum opus on text and online game, "Execute the Program v2.0”
In 2017 I created RESONATOR, the professional guide to healthy powerful and attractive vocal projection technique.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RSDJeffy
Instagram: @RSDJeffy (