
Banned Foods Around the World

Banned Foods Around the World In modern times, the food industry basically does what they need to do in order to make money and if that involves adding harmful substances to our food, they just might do it. Some food is banned because it’s an endangered species, while other commodities are illegal because they can give you a disease. From small birds pickled in brandy to blood oysters here are banned foods around the world.

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7. Fugu
The worst disaster that could possibly happen if your cooking or preparing food is if you introduce neurotoxins on to someone's plate. Although it’s considered a delicacy, a potent neurotoxin is released from the fish's skin, liver, gonads and intestines. Chef’s in Japan require a special permit to prepare this deadly critter but of course, accidents still happen. Exposure will lead to paralysis, block of nerve impulses and eventually death by asphyxiation. In 2015, 5 men in Japan were poisoned after they apparently asked to eat the puffer fish's liver. The men were hoping just to eat a very small amount of it in order to feel the numbing sensation that comes along with the type of sushi called fugu . The chef should have known better which ultimately makes our list for the the number 1 cooking fail of all time!

6. Queen Conch
This beautiful shellfish becomes actually pretty tasty once you open it up and eat it. The conch queen is a banned food in the US to import mostly because overfishing threatens its existence. It’s actually more like a giant sea snail which has a very sturdy shell. The caribbean is the main exporter of conch meat to the us and demand for it quite high and the US is responsible for 80 percent of the consumption of this endangered creature.

5. Farm Raised Salmon
Some researchers believe that farmed fish are actually the most toxic food in the world and it’s quite frightening. Fish farmers in places such as norway have been revealed in documentaries that farmed fish contain a shocking amount of pollutants and chemicals, making it the most toxic food in the world. Graphs revealed that in this case the fish had 5 times as much toxins than anything else found in the supermarket. Experiments were done on mice that revealed some very disturbing results to test mice. It made them obese with diabetes in comparison to normal food. Some believe the key factor is the food that is fed to the fish which make them much larger than normal So eat farmed fish at your own risk!

4. Pig’s Blood Cake
Who on Earth would eat something that sounds this horrifying? If you guessed the Taiwanese, good job! Pig’s blood cake has been banned in the US due to sanitary reasons and whatever other reason they find is fine by me. No need to guess what the secret ingredient is with this one. It’s basically like a street food delicacy that’s made with soy broth, sticky rice and oh yeah, pigs blood! The rice is then dipped in blood and deep fried. Other ingredients might be used to coat the deep fried pig blood on a stick but once you eat it, you have to live with yourself! Supporters of the treat claim there is no sanitary issues with the preparation process but it’s still banned here!

3. Atrazine Laced Foods
It turns out that it’s not just in the water anymore and it’s starting to get in our food. Which as made atrazine laced food banned in the EU. Atrazine is a herbicide that’s extensively used in the Midwest where a majority of the united state’s food is grown. As of 2014, it’s the most widely used herbicide in the united states and roundup glyphosate. Various studies would indicate that it’s a hormonal disruptor. When tested on frogs, it was rather shocking to see the results. Scientists claimed that it could leave frogs with both male and female characteristics by limiting the amount of testosterone produced. In 2012, the company who produces it, syngenta claimed it was a bunch of junk science but eventually had to pay a 105 million dollars to reimburse one thousand water systems. Atrazine could be found in many crops including corn, soy, fruit, vegetables, nuts and wheat. It might be virtually impossible to avoid at this point unless you buy organic. So watch out!

2. Ortolan
The ortolan is a small that has a shrinking population due to overhunting and difficulty protecting their population. Ortolans have been eaten by roman emperors since ancient times. Once captured, the birds are preserved in brandy for a certain period of time. The bird is then roasted for 8 minutes and plucked before being consumed entirely. Everything besides the bones and head gets consumed here basically. The proper way to eat ortolan is use a napkin to cover your face which is done either to hide your face from god or a convenient way to spit out the bones. In any case, it’s a fairly odd form a of food that’s been banned across the EU. Anyone ever try this strange delicacy before? Let us know in the comment section


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