
Volunteers Attempt to Save Wild Animals as Australian Wildfires Rage

Volunteers Attempt to Save Wild Animals as Australian Wildfires Rage As wildfires rage in Australia, volunteers from the Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Services are attempting to help as many wild animals caught up on the fires as possible.
READ MORE: Australia’s long bushfire crisis is continuing with large parts of the state of Victoria now threatened. Emergency authorities have taken the highly unusual step of telling tens of thousands of people in the East Gippsland region (350 kilometers east of Melbourne) to leave.

There are fears that extremely hot and windy conditions could merge three major bushfires in East Gippsland to form a devastating mega blaze. The authorities say the situation is potentially ‘life threatening’ for residents and tourists.

East Gippsland has some of Australia’s most stunning forests and coastline. At the height of the summer tourism season, about 30,000 holiday visitors have been told to leave.


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