In today’s video we are talking all about sinking funds! These are mini funds tied in your monthly budget so that you can save for a specific thing in a short amount of time. Even when you are in debt, I believe that saving for these 5 funds will be critical in helping you stay out of debt. So if any of these apply to you and your family, I suggest you look over your budget and make sure you have a small amount allocated towards these sinking funds monthly to avoid one big costly expense when its time to pay up. The 5 sinking funds I think you must have are as follows:
1. Car upkeep funds
2. Christmas fund
3. Birthday fund
4. Tax fund (car, property, income etc)
5. Back to school fund (for the kids or yourself)
I hope this helps in your path to financial freedom. Tune in every Friday for our Financial Friday videos and follow our financial journey.
Thank you for watching.
Every Dollar budgeting app:
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