
Th Digital Consumption-Race to Keep Up with Customer Expectations

Th Digital Consumption-Race to Keep Up with Customer Expectations Simply put, people who use technology to buy and sell products and services are known as digital consumers. They are the same people who walk into your business, order on a telephone, or request for a discount. ... For instance, an internet user who is reading this article now is a digital consumer on our page.
Businesses have always raced to keep up with changing customer expectations, but since the turn of the century, something remarkable has happened. A series of rapid technological advances have contributed to the transformation of customer expectations while simultaneously providing enterprises with the digital tools to create the beguiling experiences that are now needed to satisfy customers.

Today, companies are offering experiences that customers would not have imagined were possible five years ago, let alone become a part of their everyday lives. The race to deliver what ‘on-demand customers’ want has sped up dramatically. Both B2C and B2B customers are forming their expectations of product/service quality around the speed, convenience and ease of use offered by their perceived leaders in customer experience (e.g., Uber, Apple and Amazon). These expectations now transcend traditional industry barriers, with customers expecting similar quality of experiences across the products and services they consume.


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