Iran is like a stirred up like yellow jacket nest and President Donald Trump has access to the big red button.
That's not a good mix.
My point today is not to get political but to help businesses prepare.
Should businesses be afraid of this possible war?
And in a few moments I want to share why that's not a helpful question.
And how it could cripple your success...
It's just simply a fear.
Because let me ask you this...
What would you do different?
Would you dig a hole in the ground and build an underground house?
Would you switch out your 401k for nothing but gold?
What would you do different?
There should be zero reason why you do something different.
Because if you do something different that means what you did in the past wasn't adding much to anything.
For example:
People like Bill Gates.
Do you think he'll be doing anything different because of the war?
He'll keep building.
He'll keep planning.
He'll keep investing.
His task stay the same.
And because of that, he's the last one to go down financially.
His focus is lasered in.
This isn't the first time war was threaten by another country.
And it won't be the last.
His success is proportioned to the value he puts out.
Same with us.
We should keep building and keep our focus going strong.
Unless you can stop the war yourself, you shouldn't even spend your time worrying about it.
We can pray for peace and that's about all we can do on that subject.
So my point?
Focus on being 1# on your niche.
And take it down!
Own it.
Seems to hard?
Niche down again.
Still too hard?
Niche down again.
Keep niching down until you own that market.
Then once you conquer that, come up a level.
And take that down also.
If you're not ranking for your own name in Google...
The simplest task in business...
In which you have zero competition...
How can you rank 1# in a niche with competitors after the same profit and customers.
Think about that.
Own your name and then own your niche.
How do you own a niche?
Talk to that niche.
Know everything about that niche.
Help that niche with it's problems.
And keep building solutions for that niche.