

Ice ice | ʌɪs |
1 [mass noun] frozen water, a brittle transparent crystalline solid: she scraped the ice off the windscreen | her hands were as cold as ice.
• a sheet or layer of ice on the surface of water: the ice beneath him gave way.
• complete absence of friendliness or warmth in manner or expression: the ice in his voice was only to hide the pain.
2 mainly British an ice cream, ice lolly, or portion of water ice.
• North American a frozen mixture of fruit juice or of flavoured water and sugar.
3 informal diamonds.
verb [with object]
1 decorate (a cake or biscuit) with icing.
2 North American informal clinch (something such as a victory or deal).
3 North American informal kill: she was saved from being iced by the mafia.
break the ice
do or say something to relieve tension or get conversation going in a strained situation or when strangers meet.
ice the puck
Ice Hockey shoot the puck from one's own half of the rink to the other end without it hitting the goal or being touched by a teammate, for which a face-off is awarded in one's own end.
on ice
1 (of wine or food) kept chilled by being surrounded by ice: the champagne was already on ice.
• (especially of a plan or proposal) held in reserve for future consideration: the recommendation was put on ice.
2 (of an entertainment) performed by skaters: Dick Whittington on Ice.
on thin ice
in a precarious or risky situation: you're skating on thin ice.
ice over/up
become covered or blocked with ice: the wings iced over, forcing the pilot to dive.
Old English īs, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ijs and German Eis.
-ice | ɪs |
forming nouns such as service, police, and abstract nouns such as avarice, justice.
from Old French -ice, from Latin -itia, -itius, -itium, or from other sources by assimilation.
1 (in the US) Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
2 (in the UK) Institution of Civil Engineers.
3 internal combustion engine.
ICE2 | ʌɪs |
an entry stored in a person's mobile phone that provides emergency contact information: [as modifier] : all mobile phone users should have an ICE contact in their phones.
early 21st century: acronym from in case of emergency.


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