
सबसे पहले कौनसा धर्म आया? History & Science of Human Evolution & Birth of Religion - Ep. 2

सबसे पहले कौनसा धर्म आया? History & Science of Human Evolution & Birth of Religion - Ep. 2 Hello friends, this video answers certain deep questions about life like how did religion come into existence and managed to spread so much? Which religion came first? Did the stone age man have a religion or believe in god? How the shift took place from animism to polytheism? Can religion help us be better versions of ourselves in today`s world? What is the ultimate motives of all the baba`s and priests? This video explains the entire history behind the start and growth of Christianity and Judaism straight from the natural laws abiding Homo Sapiens as well as evolution of the brains of humans in conceptualizing these fictional concepts. Do watch the entire video to know more.

Watch the 1st EPISODE of this series HERE -

कैसे हम बंदरों से इंसान बन पाए? चौकाने वाला सच. History and Science Of Humanity


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Thank You!!

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