Weapon - Lord of Wolves (Solar Burst Shotgun) - 1:53
Hunter - Stomp-EE5 (Improved Jumping/Sprint & Sliding) - 2:58
Titan - Dunemarchers (Sprint Speed & Melee Charge) - 3:48
Warlock - Sanguine Alchemy (Rift Wall Hacks) - 4:27
If you enjoyed the video, likes are appreciated. Other than that, good luck out there and have fun.
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Ebontis, Destiny 2, Xur, Nightfall, Shattered Throne, Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, Armor 2.0, Where is Xur, Nightfall Solo, Guide, Walkthrough, Hunter, Warlock, Titan, Season of Dawn, Season of the Undying, Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, Shadowkeep, Sundial, Pit of Heresy, Bounties, Ritual Weapons, Raid, Guide, Tips, How to, Crucible, Vanguard, Strikes, New Players,