
Cory Booker on political correctness: Is censoring others really the best way?

Cory Booker on political correctness: Is censoring others really the best way? Cory Booker on political correctness: Is censoring others really the best way?
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Cory Booker is the junior United States senator from New Jersey. He was born in Washington, D.C., and his parents, who both worked for IBM, later relocated the family to Harrington Park, New Jersey. A star high school athlete, Booker received a football scholarship to Stanford University, where he earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

He then attended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar before earning his law degree from Yale University. Booker won a special election to fill the term of the late Senator Frank Lautenberg to become New Jersey’s first African American senator and only the twenty-first person in American history to ascend directly from mayor to senator. Booker lives in Newark’s Central Ward.

His book, United: Thoughts on Finding Common Ground and Advancing the Common Good, gives an account of his own political education that have shaped his particular civic vision for America.

Purchase "United: Thoughts on Finding Common Ground and Advancing the Common Good" here:
CORY BOOKER: I wrote an article in college where I tried as a senior or fifth year student I tried to talk about my coming to grips with homophobia that I had as a teenager. And I was very honest in the article about my just twisted thoughts about gay Americans, discomfort, you know, in that area. And in the article I talk about this man who I still remember. I haven’t been in touch with him in years – a guy named Daniel Baugh, one of the more beautiful human beings I ever met. And I was working at a 24 hour crisis counseling center and a lot of the calls we would get would be men and women who were struggling with coming out. And it was devastating to me as a counselor I just had no idea the levels of suicide, physical abuse, kids that were homeless because of family reactions. The bullying and intimidation that gay Americans were enduring. It was like I was seen behind the veil of the realities. And it really called into question my own issues and I remember some nights I would sit with Daniel and question him in ways that now I think about I’ve experienced questions from people who aren’t black who ask me questions that I thought were sometimes just ignorant or if I had a dollar for every time when I was growing up the kids would ask me to touch my hair, you know.



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Big Think,Education,Educational Videos,Cory Booker on political correctness Is censoring others really the best way,Cory Booker,Cory Booker Big Think,Cory Booker Interview,Cory Booker political correctness,Learn political correctness,political correctness explained,political correctness debate,political correctness,

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