
Ask Dr Kan Show #185 - Most overlooked cause of fatigue, brain fog, depression, anxiety

Ask Dr Kan Show #185 - Most overlooked cause of fatigue, brain fog, depression, anxiety In this episode, Dr Kan reveals the most commonly overlooked cause of fatigue, brain fog, memory loss, depression, anxiety and mood swings.

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We offer video tele-consultation for clients throughout North America. We order functional medicine lab tests for you and design a customized eating plan, supplementation plan and detoxification plan to optimize health while reducing the dependency on medications.

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Every week I bring you:

* The Ask Dr Kan Show where I help give you the answers to chronic health conditions like: hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hashimotos, autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, arthritis, fatigue, detoxification, digestion disorders, eczema, psoriasis, food allergies, food sensitivities, toxins, heavy metal toxicity, migraines, obesity, adrenal disorders, insulin resistance, hormone balance and much much more.

* The Mix: where you will see me and Shelby (my certified holistic nutritionist) make delicious and healing foods, fast, fun and easy.

All comments and questions are personally responded by Dr. Kan. Also, feel free to comment below with a topic you would like to hear on an upcoming episode.

If you are struggling with an autoimmune disease, want answers and need help, let's get you scheduled for an online video consultation.

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To see over 100 life-changing testimonials from clients who were struggling with autoimmune disease, thyroid dysfunction, digestion problems and more:
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Here is one of our most viewed videos on how autoimmune disease cause inflammation:

Here is a video on the BIG idea in functional medicine, and dysfunction in the Brain-Immune-Gut Axis can lead to autoimmune disease and chronic illness:

This popular video explains leaky gut in a way you have not heard before:


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