
A Life That Matters: A Generous Heart | Traditional Live at The Woodlands UMC

A Life That Matters: A Generous Heart | Traditional Live at The Woodlands UMC Traditional Worship

Featuring Dr. Ed Robb

We are called to a life filled with purpose and fearless faith – a life that matters. As we enter this new year, we hope you will join us with a renewed commitment to invest in our children, church and community. It’s no secret that we live in a world that is hurting and lonely. Many people within the church, and outside our walls, need to believe they were created by a God who loves them. As a church family we have a message of hope for the world and, by caring for others and providing a place to belong, we can live out that calling. In this stewardship series we will celebrate what God has done, what God is doing, and what God will do through the spirit-filled lives of His church.

Catch up on any sermons you may have missed:



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