
21+h fasted state, cold shower, push up test. (Subtitles bugged again! Read description for info.)

21+h fasted state, cold shower, push up test. (Subtitles bugged again! Read description for info.) I wanted to see if a 10 min cold shower would decrease my push up performance. Seems it did not!
25 push ups at benchmark, where I could have squeezed out a few more, but did not want to fatigue myself to 100% before the shower. 29 push ups after cold shower.
And as usual, no calories for over 21 hours, just for the extra nuisance!
There should be subtitles explaining everything, but apparently my editing program wants to get all buggy on me... A LOT!
I wanted to speed up the showering part more than 8x, but then more bugs appeared...


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