
1-8-2020; Massive Aerosol 'Chemtrail' Spraying Operation Preventing Needed Rain in CA.

1-8-2020; Massive Aerosol 'Chemtrail' Spraying Operation Preventing Needed Rain in CA. (Wed.) A massive Jet Stream moisture field is moving SSE over California, and as a result, the entire State should be receiving precipitation (rain). For the third day in a row the weather controllers have dispatched the specially equipped jets to spray the 'chemtrail" aerosols high above the incoming moisture being delivered on the Jet Stream. These chemical nanoparticulate aerosols contain high concentrations of aluminum which is a desiccant. A desiccant absorbs atmospheric moisture and this is precisely why the measured RH (relative humidity) is so low after the aerosols are sprayed. The blanket of aerosols causes a capping inversion condition which effectively prevents the lift in the atmosphere necessary for the precipitation process. There is zero rain in the 10-day forecast for Southern CA and for most of Central CA despite the massive Jet Stream moisture moving in. Expect to see more heavy 'chemtrail' spraying if this moisture pattern over California continues.

Jet stream; precipitation; desiccant; cumulonimbus; convergence,

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