
What Will Happen in 5.4 Billion Years?

What Will Happen in 5.4 Billion Years? In 1 million years, Betelgeuse will reach the end of it's life. It will explode into a massive supernova this explosion will be visible in daylight from Earth. Phobos is a irregularly shaped object with a diameter of 22 kilometers. Phobos is getting closer to Mars, 2 meters every 100 years. In 50 million years, Phobos will collide with Mars.

In 4 billion years, Sun's luminosity will increase by 40%. The Greenhouse effect will be at peak as a result all the oceans will evaporate and there will be no water on Earth. In 5.4 billion years, Sun will run out of Hydrogen and Helium. It will start expanding due to which Earth will become hotter every day. Sun's radius will reach the Earth's orbit and it will swallow our home planet.


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mr scientific,Betelgeuse,Betelgeuse supernova,Betelgeuse explosion,Phobos,Phobos collision,Phobos collisoon with mars,our sun in 5 billion years,our sun in 7 billion years,will sun swallow earth,what will happen in future,

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