
The Secrets The Narcissist Makes You Keep - They Do Not Protect You

The Secrets The Narcissist Makes You Keep - They Do Not Protect You When we are with an abusive narcissist we are forced to keep secrets, we are forced to lie for them. Maybe its that they were just in a bad mood when they said something inappropriate or maybe you have been telling people only half the truth. These secrets are lies and they make you vunerable to them turning the table on you.

I thought knowing these secrets and keeping them somehow kept me safe, the truth is they made me someone that had to be handled. Learn about the risks in keeping these secrets here today


Hi! My Name is Tracy A. Malone, founder of Narcissist Abuse Support and I'm here to help! :)

WEBSITE - resources for victims -

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Are you looking for someone to talk to about the narcissist abuse you have endured?

Are you wondering if you have PTSD? Have you experienced a traumatic event?


FACEBOOK – - closed group - this is a closed group and we must protect our members so if your profile has no connections and has only been set up for a week we will not be able to take the risk.

PINTEREST - Visit my Cool Narcissist Pins -

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All statements made in this video are expressions of the opinion of the speaker, and should be regarded as such. The video is made to serve a therapeutic purpose for the speaker or speakers and to assist others in recognizing and dealing with matters in their own lives which they believe may be similar.

I’m a survivor of Narcissistic abuse and my goal with this channel is to educate other “victims” as they transition to becoming a “survivor”. I believe that education is our best way to heal, and the best way to not become a victim or supply to another narcissist.

Please note: I am not a therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist or coach so use this information as my own personal journey of healing and the information that has been shared with me by friends, other YouTubers, groups and community. This video is not intended to treat or diagnose any condition, if you believe you or a loved one is suffering from narcissistic abuse please use seek any help from your community.

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Were you FINANCIALLY ABUSED by a narcissist? -

How to Get Revenge on a Narcissist -

Narcissism Social Media -

Narcissist Abuse Recovery,Narcissist Abuse Support,narcissist,narcissism,narcissistic abuse,narcissism expert,narcissistic personality disorder,ptsd,emotional abuse,mental abuse,tracyamalone,tracy malone,Narcissist abuse coach,International Narcissist Abuse Coach,Lifecoach for Narcissistic Abuse Recovery,

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